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Quality Control Service & Factory Audit

Factory Audit

Factory Audit reveals different problems before production or order confirmation. Through it, customers can have a clear understanding of the capabilities of the suppliers, quality control system, management, and operating procedures. This will allow them to select a reputable supplier.


We will focus on the following points during the inspection of the factory:

• Company Profile (general information)

• Company structure

• Process and production capacity

• Facilities and machinery

• Quality assurance system and related certificates

• Research and development


Quality Control Service

Our quality control service is available all over China. We guarantee and ensure our clients the best prices of our services. Furthermore, our quality control includes different processes and stages, according to the clients needs.


A. Pre-production inspection (PPI)

B.During-production inspection(DPI)

C. Pre-shipment inspection (PSI)

D. Container Loading Supervision (CLS)

E. Full verification

F: Factory Audit

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